» Diamond

The New World's Largest Diamond

new world's largest diamond
The stone shown in picture is perfect octahedron, and also exceedingly rare. Readers who saw pictures of it through a link on the JCKonline guessed it as a “garnet,” “topaz,” or “big chunk of green glass.”

A reported record-holder 8,000 ct. diamond that made headlines around the world—but later was revealed to be a hoax. The stone, discovered in South Africa, was said to be more than double the weight of the 3,100 ct. Cullinan, considered the world's largest.

The spokesman for diamond's owner, Brett Jolly (South African businessman), told JCK the man described it “as most beautiful perfect in shape, color, and clarity he has never seen before. It breaks all the rules when it comes to the diamond industry.”

The story began to unravel when Jolly went to test the store, accompanied by Melody Brandon, a reporter from the Johannesburg Sunday Times. Brandon, who was blindfolded for part of the journey, had a diamond tester from Ernie Blom, the South Africa–based president of the World Federation of Diamond Bourses, who was brought in to authenticate the stone.

But when they met Andre Harding, Jolly's business partner and owner of the land where the stone was supposedly found, he wouldn't let them use Blom's tester, saying it “wouldn't work.” Brandon briefly held the stone and found it “too light” for a diamond. “It had bubbles in it,” she says. When Harding tested the stone with his own device, Brandon noticed it still had its cap on and was set to “manual,” so he could manipulate it.

When Harding was confronted about this, he “turned pale,” Brandon says, “and went on this ramble that he had to speak to his lawyer.” Then Jolly and Harding got into a screaming match, leaving Brandon briefly stranded in the middle of nowhere.

Jolly, who did not return calls from JCK once the hoax was revealed, has told the media he will press charges and that he believes the actual stone was stolen. “This poor man still believes there is a stone out there somewhere,” Brandon says. Blom has disassociated himself from the story. “Something just wasn't right,” he says.


Diamonds said...

Wow...that was really the biggest diamond. Meaning it bigger than Millennium Star Diamond and Cullinan Diamond.

icy said...

Wow thats huge,,, wonderin how much is that..

Anonymous said...

it is great to know... that this was the new record of the world's largest diamond in the world other than Cullinan Diamond. But still
is the hardest natural material on earth and a gemstone that says it all.

Jewelry Alabama said...

Really it is a huge diamond I ever see in my entire life, thanks for sharing your information.

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