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The Country of Poverty and Diamonds : Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone SoldiersPOPULATION: 5.7 million.

CAPITAL: Freetown.

THE ECONOMY: Gold, bauxite, titanium ore and especially diamonds are about two-thirds of foreign exchange income before war and instability wrecked their economy. Only in June this year, experts said that Sierra Leone has made little progress in tackling corruption and has squandered foreign aid, leaving its most vulnerable citizens as destitute as they were before the civil war ended.

Electricity and piped water mains are very rare even in the shanty towns that make up the Freetown.

Few of paved roads in the rest of the country, and 70 percent of the country's population survives on less than $1 a day.

ETHNICITY: The Temne & Mende each takes almost one-third of the population. Lokko, Sherbro, Limba, Susso, Fulani, Kono and Krio are other country's popular groups.

RELIGION: Mostly, the people practices traditional African religions. One-third of which are Muslims, who live mainly in the north and catholic minority is just concentrated in the capital.

LANGUAGE: English is the official language but Temne, Mende and Krio (Creole) are also spoken. Krio serves as the commercial language in the capital.

GEOGRAPHY: Sierra Leone is about 71,740 sq km (27,699 sq miles). It borders the Atlantic Ocean to the west, Guinea to the north and east and Liberia to the southeast. The climate is tropical.

SOME OF COUNTRY'S POPULAR HISTORY: It won independence from Britain in 1961 and suffered years of dictatorship, coup attempts and corrupt rule.

-- President Siaka Stevens made the country a one-party state in 1978, quit in 1985 aged 80 and chose former army chief Joseph Momoh as successor.

-- Foday Sankoh's Revolutionary United Front (RUF) rebelled against Momoh in 1991, starting a decade of war that ended in early 2002 after an estimated 50,000 people were killed.

-- Having been deposed once in 1997 by a coalition of army officers led by Major-General Johnny Paul Koroma and the RUF, Ahmad Tejan Kabbah was re-elected in May 2002. The RUF, standing as a political party, won little support in the ballot.

-- A Special Court for Sierra Leone was set up jointly by the country's government and the United Nations in 2002 to try those most responsible for human rights violations during the later stages of the civil war.

-- In July 2007 Sierra Leone's war crimes court sentenced three rebel militia leaders to long jail terms for "some of the most heinous, brutal and atrocious crimes ever recorded". In August it convicted two former leaders of a pro-government militia of murder and other crimes. Rebel leaders are on trial.

-- The August 11 parliamentary polls were won by the opposition All People's Congress with 59 of the 112 seats. The Sierra Leone People's Party (SLPP) of outgoing President Tejan Kabbah, which dominated the last parliament, won 43 seats. The PMDC, a breakaway of the SLPP, took the remaining 10.


Admin said...

this remind me of something Diamond Issue: Huh?! What Diamonds

Anonymous said...

It is very informative. I remembered the movie "Blood Diamonds" that tells about the Sierra Leone's diamond industry which suffered poverty,
finance rebellions, privater and terrorist. The diamonds are mined in countries at war zones , sold to finance the conflicts and labeled conflict diamonds in the industry.

Anonymous said...

this is very sad.

Sa Lone Pikin

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