» Diamond

The Diamond Simulants : "Looks-like" of the Real Diamonds

cubic zirconiaDiamond simulant are the imitation and referring to any stone material that has the appearance of diamond but it does not posess the characteristics, atomic structure, chemical composition or physical properties of natural (true) diamond. Common simulants like Cubic Zirconia, Color less Synthetic Corundum (sapphire), Synthetic Spinel, Strontium Titanate, Yttrium Aluminium Garnet (YAG), Gadolinium Gallium Garnet (GGG), and Glass (Paste).

Diamond Simulants Subcategories:

1. Gems - the stones that are natural with the same appearance like of the diamond. Examples of this stones are sapphire, topaz, beryl, quartz, zircon; all of these gemstones in their colorless

2. Natural Synthetics - These are were the manufactured stones that have the same chemical composition, atomic structure, and physical properties of a natural counterpart. They are man-made, which includes: Synthetic Rutile, Synthetic Sapphire, and Synthetic Spinel.

3. Artificial Synthetics - These are the manufactured stones that have no natural counterpart, which include: Strontium Titanate, Yttrium Aluminate (YAG) and Cubic Zirconia.

4. Composites - Stones that are created from more than one stone to enhance particular properties. For example glass which is very soft which prevent the surface from scratching a layer of harder material was bonded to the surface. These stones are also known as doublets.

The reason why this simulants was created for over the years because diamond is so desirable yet so expensive. These are more affordable to buy than the real thing and to the untrained eye look almost the same. Diamond simulants ("look alikes") are not the same as synthesized diamonds. Due to its low cost and very close visual likeness to diamond, cubic zirconia has remained the most gemologically and economically important diamond simulant since 1976.

Current popular diamond simulants include cubic zirconia (CZ) and moissanite. Technically they are not diamonds, artificial or otherwise. Recently the trend has been to market these simulants less as artificial or synthetic diamonds and more as new gems in their own right. Of course, natural diamond remains a wonderful luxury item - if you can afford it.


Anonymous said...

a diamond simulant, great another product of a man-made creation...

icy said...

Cool.. though its not same value like natural diamonds... is it same with natural diamonds that last forever?

Diamonds said...

Garnet also is another example of gems.

Anonymous said...

Treatment for natural gemstones has become a common phenomenon. But there are some controversial treatments that change the appearance of the gemstone completely. However, natural gemstones in their pure form have a charm that no one can deny. The beauty of natural colored diamonds is mesmerizing. For an exquisite collection on natural color diamonds visit ANGARA

solitaire said...

I like the post and you have the great sense towards the jewelery...

Custom Jewelry Design said...

Diamond jewelry is a luxury item all can't afford it, but Diamond simulants is a human created gem having same looks of diamonds so people easily afford it...Nice post.

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